Wound healing is very important after surgery and undisturbed closure of wounds is sometimes a major problem. Intensive efforts are made to improve wound healing using numerous approaches. In recent years, the oral application of specific bioactive collagen peptides has demonstrated positive effects on matrix synthesis and skin physiology. In this observational trial, their impact on wound healing was investigated in a group of 22 (12 verum/10 placebo) patients with postsurgical wounds and a second group of 20 (10 verum/10 placebo) patients with badly healing wounds. In both groups, the patients treated with bioactive collagen peptides had a clearly better outcome regarding wound healing compared to the placebo groups who showed suboptimal or bad results in the majority of cases. No side effects or intolerance to the product were reported. The results of this investigation confirm the positive impact of collagen peptides on wound healing. These data suggest this product can be used to improve wound healing, even in cases where normal wound healing is expected, and to achieve a better aesthetic outcome.
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